Your Inner Circle
I came across this drawing…. Which reminded me to stop checking the news and other lame cr@p on my phone 😊
Marc Grant sent me a great clip from a book he is reading. (I have attached a copy) I liked it so much I downloaded the book.
I love the reminder that you are only as good as the people that are closest to you. Your inner circle can push you forward or pull you down.
I’m pulling together some notes on hiring, leadership principals and raising the bar the with people you hire that I will share next week. This clip was very timely. Thank you Marc 😊
Notes that Resonated
Leonardo Da Vinci work up every day and wrote down what he wanted to learn that day… What do I want to learn this week?
Kill your ANTs... “ automatic negative thoughts” ANTS
Life’s beauty is that it is finite
Our life is made up of stories what stories are you making?
Grace is only grace if it is a gift… grace is not deserved or earned
if you don’t change the underlying condition that created a problem, you should expect the problem to recur.
Hire missionaries, not mercenaries... We have all encountered mercenaries in our career. They are in it to make a fast buck for themselves, they don’t have the organization’s best interests at heart, and they don’t have the resolve to stick with your company through challenging times. Missionaries are in it for the mission, they have grit, and care about the people around them
To reach your greatest potential you have to fight your greatest fears?
Things to read:
Working backwards, Insights, stories and secrets from inside Amazon -Colin Bryar and Bill Carr
This is an interesting book on some of Amazon’s best practices
Top Quotes:
"15% better works fine until your competition does it 100% differently"
“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives” – Anne Dillard
Food & Drink
Happy PI(e) Day... Making this yummy no bake key lime pie recipe
Cool Stuff:
Crazy soft robes for kids and women… Great gift