
My notes this week don’t really have a theme.  There are a lot of random thoughts as I was fortunate enough to ‘take in’ a lot of unrelated content in this week.   Enjoy this weeks “best of the best”.  The “dream big” podcast with Bob Goff was pretty good not matter where you are in life.  His upbeat spirit can inspire just about anyone.

Quick Notes that Resonated:

  1. "Make Curiosity Your compass"

  2. You can manage this moment because God is in the midst of the moment. Gone is ahead of you and is waiting to help pull you through the overwhelming moment.

  3. If you want to lead a noteworthy life you need to take some notes (Bob Goff)

  4. Jesus always made himself available... be available the way Jesus did

  5. Always maintain access to your ideas

  6. Express your faith like a softball.. big enough for everyone to catch and soft enough to not hurt anyone

  7. losing faith, motivation, joy, trust etc.. is like losing your keys, think about where you were when you last had them

  8. Effectiveness over Efficiency (Patrick Lencioni)

  9. What are the things standing in the way of making your business better

  10. Discomfort is where growth lies

  11. Without writing there is no sophisticated thinking

  12. 15% of your week spend on working on something interesting (effective not efficient)

Things I read:

Book: "Never split the difference" - Chris Voss  (learning to negotiate from an EX FBI kidnapping specialist)

Article: Why the Game Stop Surge Rocked Wallstreet

Article: Making Decisions with God in the center  (should I decision tool attached)


"Efficiency sucks" - Episode 77 At the Table (why efficiency can be the enemy of effectiveness)

"Dream Big"- July 18 (fresh life church guest Bob Goff)

Videos :  Zettlekasten note taking method video on how best to build a second brain.  I sent this in my introductory email yesterday.


"Leaving Referrals to chance is a crime against your business" - Bill Cates

"You can't compete against someone who's having fun" - @fortelabs

A life worth living is a life worth recording 

Food & Drinks

Grapefruit Cosmo

Shepperd’s Pie

New Things I Discovered:

  1. Ianarrino- Sales Accelerator training (I will send notes on this in weeks to come)

  2. Ianarrino Consultative Selling ideas (using a value insight tool)

  3. Lencioni Working Genius Model and Assessment

  4. Notion- (software for keeping notes) templates

  5. Readwise- ( this is a cool tool that sync with your book apps an emails you quotes you have highlighted in the books.  It’s a really great way to remember things that resonated with you when you were reading a book.  Great form of random motivation.)


New Habit