Respond Don’t React
Have you ever had a moment when someone “pushes” that perfect button? They say the exact thing that pushes your buttons and makes you so mad that you instantly lash back and say or do something you wish you hadn’t. They just seemed to get right under your skin in a way that instantly created a strong emotional reaction. Well, it has happened to me. It doesn’t happen often but when it does, I hate it.
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose a response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom - Victor Frankl
Victor was a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp when he wrote the above quote. His circumstances were unimaginable, yet he found freedom, growth and peace in the space and choice between stimulus (what the Nazi’s did to him) and his response. What a way to look at it. What a lesson to learn from such a wise man. The freedom to choose in the space before you react. The freedom to be happy, in control, and purposeful. What a gift.
A few things I am thinking about to improve my life in this area are:
“A fool vents all of his anger, a wise man brings himself under control” Proverbs 29:11
Your choice creates your challenge
Be slow to respond
Respond don’t react
Happiness is a choice not an automatic response
“When you are angry be silent” – The Prophet Mohammad
I choose growth. I choose Peace. I will choose my response.
Notes that Resonated
Get out of the selfie culture and into the service culture
Two of the biggest mistakes with prospecting (sales): not going all the way and not starting
Strong people are not born. They are made by the storms they walk through
Sometimes in order to get better you have to go backwards
You may have to lose to gain
The valley will always teach you lessons mountains tops can never teach
Life is a series of constant change, and that all things are impermanent
Everything is born from change - Marcus Aurelius
Top Quotes
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose a response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom - Victor Frankl
"I've made it a principle not to be over-influenced by minor disappointments." - Marianne Moore
Forgiveness is accepting the apology you will never receive - Sawane Duperon
Things to Discover: Flexibility and Strength
I’ve been trying to work on my dragon squat, and I can’t quite make it low enough. So, I found this progression routine to get me there. I mean who doesn’t want to do dragon squats :)
Progression to the pistol squat Dragon Pistol Squat – How to Unlock One of the Most Difficult Bodyweight Squats | Maximum Potential Calisthenics
This is also a good mobility session. Includes dragon squat routine:
Food & Drink
Sourdough English muffin Recipes:
Sourdough English Muffins Recipe - Little Spoon Farm
Easier English muffin recipe: