We Can Do Better
After every tragedy or catastrophe, we often ask ourselves… what is important today?
As I think about that question, I am struck by two very emotional truths. First, I am reminded how grateful I am for the men and women who serve to protect this nation. They selflessly protect our freedoms, the ability to have apposing beliefs, and ensure the safety and security of life as we know it.
Secondly, I am both heartbroken and inspired by Corey Comperatore, who was killed during yesterday’s shooting. He died while using his body to shield his wife and daughters from an active shooter. He stood up for what he believed in and very literally took a bullet for his family. May his actions inspire us to spend more time selflessly loving others, having more of our actions demonstrate our love, and our behavior emphatically reflect what and who we value.
Hate has no place and love has no limits. We can do better!