Weird Week
This week is a weird week it started with a new lamb at the ranch, discovering bubbly water, COVID protocol, and learning the proper order to watch the Avengers.
How to watch the Marvel movies in order | TechRadar
But as the week went on thoughts of and flavored water, office protocol and super hero’s became small and unimportant . This weekend I found myself searching to find out what would happen to the people in Afghanistan… the Taliban and why the Taliban were fighting? I came across some very good documentaries and got some great history lessons. The stories and their sadness and the challenge ahead of them can be consuming.
The origins of the Taliban
The History of the Taliban and a lifetime of war
I pray for a swift exit for every person who wants to leave and a peaceful resolution for the people who stay. Horrible times, extremely sad and our prayers are needed!
I am so grateful for our freedom and our lives in this country. May we continue to help those less able to experience the same benefits and basic freedoms. May we never take them for granted.
Notes that Resonated
A strong man who knows power his whole life loses respect for that power but a weak
Man knows the value of strength and leads with compassion
Don’t let you feelings dictate your actions… make your actions dictate your feelings.
If you keep creating action to drive your motivation it becomes an endless cycle of perpetual motivation
when you’re not motivated take action and it will drive your motivation
Repetition leads to a healthy mind and soul… continue to remind yourself of the most important things
You are what you repeatedly do - Aristotle
Death overshadows you. All you are ensured is this moment… take advantage of it
Discipline equals freedom
Your soul takes on the color of your thoughts
Try things intentionally and see if things fit you
Time is our most valuable resource, so we shouldn’t waste it
“Process saves us from the poverty of our intentions”
If you commit to a process/ practice of a certain behavior or action it will prevent life or things around you from getting in the way
Do work that make people notice the difference
What’s your smallest viable audience? - Seth Godin
Are you here to contribute or are you here to take?
What change do you seek to make
Do you care enough to learn something
Learning is the act of failing on your way to doing it right
when was the last time you did something for the first time?
Life is not about you. It’s about what you do for other people's lives
Nothing is inevitable decline is a choice (Charles krauthammer)
The word Taliban means student
The origins of the Taluban
Mujahideen - fighters of the holy war
Company = People x Culture x Focus
Our emotions carry the day 85 percent of the time
When your purpose is clear, you will find tremendous mental energy
Through laziness the roof caves in and in the hands of the idle the roof leaks -
Things read:
Should Bitcoin Be in Your Retirement Portfolio? What to Know About Investing in Crypto.
50 Years After Nixon Ended the Gold Standard, Dollar’s Dominance Faces Threat
Podcasts I listened to:
Seth Godin- Failure and Mastry
Videos watched:
Explanation of inflation and investing during inflation:
Cool places to see in the US
How to stay motivated:
Top Quotes:
“Find out who you are and do it on purpose” Dolly Parton
Do it on purpose and you will find out who you are - Seth Godin
Ask yourself why can’t I do this and you will be embarrassed by the answer - Marcus Aurelius
Two things define you… your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything - Imam Ali
“At most companies, People spend two percent of their time recruiting and seventy-five percent managing their recruiting mistakes.” -Richard Fairbanks capital one CEO
Things I Discovered:
Order to watch the marvel movies: How to watch the Marvel movies in order | TechRadar<>
Food & Drink
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Pork tenderloin skewers